Friday, 7 September 2018

Sorry I’ve been MIA summer was crazy

Holy crap we had a crazy busy summer! I feel like it lasted forever but yet flew by! All I know is that I’m so not ready for the dreaded winter! I’m one of those people who only likes snow in December for Christmas.... other than that I could hybernate all winter like the bears and be completely happy! Maybe in my next life I’ll come back as a Momma bear. 

We honestly only had 1 weekend this summer that wasn’t booked. It was completely crazy and overbearing but we survived and had a lot of fun along the way and only a handful of melt downs orrr maybe it was the other way around 🙈😜

Over the Summer we lost our fur baby Dre. It’s awful and I feel like a piece of my heart is missing. It’s been rough because I feel like with all the crazy business with the summer I really haven’t gotten to grieve him. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise to keep me busy but I know soon I will have to fully except that he’s not coming back. 

My little sister and her family lost there home in an electrical fire this summer. It has been such a devastating few weeks for them as they try to rebuild there lives and belongings. Thank you to all of you who reached out, donated and send your love. It has been such a beautiful experience watching friends, family and completel strangers go out of there way to help! They have a long way to go to get back on there feet but they are getting there! I’ll attatch a link to there gofund me page at the end of my blog if you feel like you would like to donate 💗. Thank you to all of you that have you are so appreciated! 

At the beginning of this year I stopped posting on my fitness page. It wasn’t bribing me joy anymore. Working out and living a healthy lifestyle still very much bring me joy! But I felt like posting about it all the time wasn’t. I am still so passionate about my health and fitness and maybe in the new year I’ll start it back up in a healthy new way! 

Lane had his preschool orientation on Tuesday! I was so nervous for him but he walked right in said hi to the teachers and sat down and starting crafting! He’s ready! I may not be but he is! It’s going to be a big change for my routine but I’m so excited to see what this year has in store for him! 

Sorry I’ve been so MIA one of my goals for this fall is to get back to blogging! I’ve missed it! I hope you all have a fabulous weekends 
                                             Xo Ashylla 

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Slow down mommy

I haven’t blogged in a while, I’ve missed it. This year I want to focus on doing things that make me truly happy. And also letting go of the things that don’t. I want to let go of “stuff” and cherish the things and people who matter the most. It’s easier said than done and lately I’ve been struggling with a stubborn threenager and a teething baby who does not like to sleep. Our morning started at 3:30 this morning with 3 wake ups before that. I found myself frustrated and upset and I hate feeling that way (don’t we all!!) after failing to get Ellie back to bed 3 times I finally decided to get up and start the day. Drank my 28 oz of water fed Ellie her rice cereal and brewed some coffee. It’s hard to be mad when she’s all smiles. We said goodbye to Dad as he left for work and then went down stairs to play, huge coffee in hand of course. By 7 she was ready for a nap (go figure!!) so I laid her down and she was instantly out. By now I’m on my second cup of coffee so I’m not sleeping! I walked into my room and turned on my light only to see my sweet Lane laying in the middle of the bed with Chase clutched in his hand (his paw patrol stuffy) looking so sweet and peaceful I turned the light off and went and snuggled him for a while. Suddenly I was feeling remorse from our day yesterday, we battled most of the day and I lost my patience way to many times. I sat there and cuddled him and silently apologized and promised to do better! Being a mom is hard. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m forever learning and changing and just trying to do my best. The good moments definitely out way the bad but there are a lot of hard moments! Lots of moments you can’t take back and you wished you’d handled better. But the truth is, we all do it. No one is perfect and a sleep deprived mommy deserves some grace. We all do! After snuggling my sweet boy I came downstairs and did some head space. I feel so much better now I’ve forgiven myself for yesterday’s mistakes and I’m optimistic that today will be a better day! I’ll make sure of it!! To all you mommas out there struggling I hear you, I feel you! Try to give yourself grace and always strive to be better than yesterday’s self! You are enough and those kiddos love us imperfections and all 💗 I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday xo