have you ever just sat down and thought about who you want to be? I am here to tell you, you can be and do whatever you want! You have the power, you just have to set the goal, make the plan and start working towards it! Stop wishing for the "perfect life" and start creating it! I used to wish I liked to workout and eat healthy, and wish that I was happy and confident in my own skin. I used to make excuses like "I have no time" "I am not a morning person" "I am curvy" "I am big boned" I pretended this was ok and that I didn't care and I secretly HATED all those skinny healthy b*tches! But you know what I was just unhappy with me!
When I finally decided to make this lifestyle change I was scared, scared I would fail, that I could never be "one of those girls" I was scared but I promised myself I had to try! And I am so glad that I did I am 100% a different person! I am happy, healthy, confident, strong and I am so excited about my life and my future!
Life is about being present, living each day to the fullest! One of the things that has absolutely changed my life is something called "The Miracle Morning" before I explain what this is I have to tell you I was always that person who snoozed her alarm clock, slept till the last possible minute and hated mornings!! But I promised myself I would give it a real honest try, and it changed my life!! No word of a lie people I wake up happy and I am so productive and happy! I challenge you all to try this and really truely give it your all, for a week! If it doesn't help then forget about it but if you let it, it will change your life for the better! What time do you usually wake up in the morning? And what time do you go to bed at night? Start setting your alarm one hour earlier and crawling into bed one hour earlier! While you lay in bed think positively about waking up the next morning, think of how great it will feel to get up and be productive and take some time for YOU in the morning. When your alarm goes off get up! Do not snooze your alarm clock go brush your teeth walk downstairs pour yourself a big glass of water and head to your living room. Now take time to sit in silence, meditate and pray. Next write down and recite out loud your affirmations! DO THIS!! Then visualize your affirmations and how you want your day to go! Think positive thoughts. Then exercise! JUST DO IT it doesn't have to be long, or crazy but get your heart going and your blood pumping! Next take 10 min to read a great book (my favs are The Desire Map, You Are A Bad Ass, Strong Looks Bettet Naked) then take time to journal! I promise you this will change your every day life! You will become a happier healthy person and your life will be so much more beautiful and enjoyable! Stop snoozing through your life! Start enjoying it and living with purpose! Have a fabulous Tuesday my loves!
Xoxo Ashylla