Monday, 30 March 2015

Trying to find balance in a crazy world

Hello friends it's been awhile! I can't even begin to try to summarize all that has happened since I last blogged, so instead I'll start fresh with what's been going on with us Smiths lately!

Lane turned 1 on the 1st!! I cannot believe my baby is 1. A week before he turned 1 he was hospitalized with RSV... RSV... You suck!! I don't think the feelings you feel watching your baby suffer can even be described.. Helples,s horrible, breaking, fear, hard, exhaustion, no control, anger, sick, love, hope, proud ,stress, wonder, peace, Terrible (are just some of them that come to mind) It makes me so empathetic for people who's children are seriously ill! I cannot even imagine! these past days have been some of the hardest! I'm so thankful for my loving husband who has been by our sides the entire time! Our loving family and friends who are thinking praying and sending so much love! I truly have felt that love and peace! I'm thankful for the nurses and specialists and doctors who have watched over my baby and aided in his recovery! No it is not fun to be woken up and have your baby poked and looked at every two hours but it is a small price to be payed for his recovery!! I feel so blessed and so thankful to be Lanes mommy and I am over joyed that he is turning the corner and feeling better!!! Xo

A year?! Lane is so smart! He copies us and picks up on everything! He will be walking in no time He is scaling everything! He is such a great eater and such a great naper and I am sooo happy to say he is officially sleeping through the night!! Yahoo life is great!! He is so content and sweet I am so lucky!! This year has flown by and I am so proud that he is mine hes so handsome and such a goof!! Here is a sweet story from daddy: Matt always gets up with Lane on the weekends he's the best! Anyways he said they were playing downstairs and Matt said Lane where's the football And sure enough Lane turned and spotted it in his play corner right away and then quickly crawled over and so proudly picked it up to show dad!! Wow What a smarty pants! He loves to pass the ball and he loves to chase the ball I think we have a little athlete on our hands!

Lately I have really been trying to find a balance in my life style! Like most moms post pregnancy bodies can be down right scary! I weighed a wopping 200lbs at the end of my pregnancy 

I was horrified after giving birth at just how gross my stomach looked. (dont worry ladies it does go back) I found myself not ever wanted to get dressed because everything looked horrible. Nothing fit right but I was fortunate enough to loose most of my pregnancy weight while Breast feeding! It didn't happen all at once it was very gradual and I am now 13 months post baby and am no longer Breast feeding! So I am trying to find that balance of eating better, eating smaller portions and having a regular work out routine! And as all of you know trying to be a mommy, eating on the fly, and working around your little ones schedule sometimes this can seem impossible! But I am determined to find a healthy balance! ( wish me luck) I am now 145lbs and feeling great! I would LOVE to be in the 120's one day! (a girl can dream) but for now I am just so proud of myself for losing the weight and so proud of my body! Giving birth and being pregnant was the most amazing gift I was ever given! I would not trade that for the world! But here's to pushing my limits and living a healthy lifestyle! 

I have also been really trying to make an effort in balancing mommy hood and being a good wife! This can be tricky also! Some days are easier than others and I am lucky enough to have an amazing husband who is very patient and understanding! I think now more than ever it is important to go on dates nights and to spend that time together once Lane is down for the night, even if it's just cuddling on the couch watching tv in silence or talking about our days. So Ya I'm working on being a better wife and finding balance for my boys.

Life is so beautiful! I have such a great support system! I hAve the best family, extended family and friends a girl could ask for! Xoxo Ash