Friday 31 March 2017



I highly suggest taking a baby-moon before you have a baby! Especially if it's not your first! I loved getting to spend one on one time with my hubby reconnecting and enjoying each other's company before this sweet baby girl comes.

I was honestly dreading packing for Vegas at 34 weeks pregnant I felt like a whale in every single thing I tried on! I ended up narrowing it down and tried to be ok with the fact that I wasn't going to feel overly pretty in Vegas! I honestly could not have been more wrong. Never have I got so many congratulations and people stopping to tell me how beautiful and great I looked. So thank you Vegas for boosting this pregnant mommas ego! It was pretty amazing that complete strangers would smile and come to talk to me about my pregnancy. It really opened my eyes to how one little comment and compliment can make your day!

We got lots of Cardio in this trip! We took the stairs every time and yes I got looked at like I was crazy!! Lol I loved exploring the strip hand in hand with Matt. We didn't have much planned other than BRITNEY!! And oh my gosh she did not disappoint! I was in absolute heaven and will never ever forget that experience. My hubby is THE best. It was so nice just relaxing, walking around, trying new restaurants, shopping and taking it all in. One of my favourite things to do is people watch and I can honestly say Vegas is hands down the best place for this. If you haven't been you should go! It's unreal, almost like it's own little world!

I honestly don't think I could have gone longer than 3 nights 4 days! We both missed Lane SO much! We found ourselves thinking about what Lane would do or say if he were there. He is seriously such a character and always keeps us on our toes. One of my favourite things he has been saying lately is "bet you didn't see that coming!" Pretty sure he got that from his dad! We love that little monkey so much and as I'm writing this we are on our flight from salt lake to Great Falls and I can hardly wait to hug Lane, I think I might cry lol I'll blame that on the pregnancy hormones!!

I am starting to get anxious now about this sweet girl coming! I'm so excited and so nervous! I worry about finding balance but I know I can, it will just take time. I'm so excited for Lane to be a big brother and to see their relationship grow. A friend told me this quote "the best thing you can do for a child is give them a sibling" and I think of the love and friendship I share with my siblings and I know it is SO true. My siblings are truly my best friends and I do not know where I would be, or what I would do without them!

I'm feeling very refreshed from our getaway and I'm excited to get home and get ready for this babe. Feeling so extremely loved and blessed! Life is so beautiful. Xo


Wednesday 15 March 2017



A three letter word that I never knew held such purpose. The quicker time goes by the more excited and nervous this MOM gets.

I have absolutely loved these three years with Lane. We have this indescribable bond and love that I will never take for granted. It's been hard and it's been great. Messy and perfect. Lots of laughs and tears and learning for the both of us.

I lay awake at night and worry that my bond with Lane is going to somehow be weakened by the arrival of his baby sister. I never want him to feel second best, or put on the back burner. I don't know how I'm going to do it and adjust but I know I will do it with love. I will do my very best and I will always try to take the time to make them both feel loved, and special and to always remember that I am enough.

Us moms tend to think we need to be "perfect" but our kids don't need us to be perfect, they need us to love them, to teach them to be present and to be our best so they can be their very best.

I have 8 weeks left until our family will grow by one beautiful baby girl. I am trying to cherish these last weeks just me and Lane! He has decided he's too cool for naps now which has been hard on this 32 week prego momma, but we are adapting and I'm enjoying making him a part of my "me" time. He loves joining in on my workouts and he loves helping me prep and cook supper. Some days (most days) it would be 100% easier to get a good workout in by myself and to cook supper by myself but I'm learning patience, and I love the fact that he wants to be just like mom and help out.

I've been told by my massage therapist that I shouldn't be picking Lane up anymore... I guess 37lbs is a bit much for a mom in her third trimester but it's been so hard! Soon I really won't be able to pick him up, and soon he won't want me to! I've just started to sit and hold him (when he will let me!) lately he has been non stop wanting to race, play fight, nerf war, and play ninja turtles! I'm lucky if we get a few "breaks" during the day. when 8 o'clock bed time rolls around we are all ready for bed!!

I'm SO excited for Lane to become a big brother! I know the transition will take some time but I'm so excited to watch them learn and grow together.

I am so thankful for this beautiful life Matt and I have worked hard for and created together! I'm so thankful for that handsome hubby of mine! He works so incredibly hard to provide for our family! And then after a long day comes home and plays with Lane while mommy takes a break. He always knows when I need a good hug, back rub, coffee or a bubble bath. He is the best husband and daddy and I'm so thankful for him!! There is no one else I'd rather live this crazy bra life with!

As much as I hope these 8 weeks fly by so I don't have to be pregnant anymore and so I can hold this sweet baby girl in my arms. I also hope to truly enjoy and cherish these weeks as a family of 3! Being a mom has truly completed me and I am so very excited and maybe a bit nervous to become a mom of two! Life is beautiful when you do what you love. Xoxo

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The best 3 years 💙

My whole life changed in a instant 3 years ago today. I will never forget the moment I held my sweet Lane in my arms for the very first time. True love at first sight! We have both learned so much these past three years and grown in so many ways. Being a mom is my absolute favourite thing and I will forever be grateful for the privilege of being Lanes mommy! My heart is so full as I write this blog post. I'm so thankful for my beautiful family and for their love. Motherhood is not easy, nor should it be! It is a gift and it truly completes me. It has taught me great patience, the importance of deep breathes, coffee and a good glass of wine (only 10 more weeks ppl 😜) I have changed and grown up and become a person I am proud to be. It's been three years of self discovery and learning to love myself and my family and learning to always put "us" first and I can hardly wait to add to our family and keep living this truly beautiful life we have created together!

We celebrated Lanes bday with my fam on Saturday before my parents left for Arizona! Here are a few highlights of that day

Today we woke up I made Lane his fav breaky "Cheesey eggs" while he played with his new TMNT sewer layer we are breakfast and chatted about what he wanted to do for his birthday. We played some turtles, snuck in a workout and then we got ready and went swimming. Lane is such a fish he loves the water! We enjoyed some lunch and I just layed him down for a nap. He fights me on them daily but he still needs them and I don't mind getting to snuggle him to sleep! 💙 tonight we are having the Yanke's over for pizza Lanes favourite and enjoying some more birthday fun!

On Saturday we are heading to wear m out to continue the celebrations with Lanes friends! Then Sunday we are going out to Nana's for another party ( holy parties I know!) Lane doesn't mind he loves getting a birthday week!

I am 30 weeks pregnant today!! So crazy only 10 more weeks till we meet our baby girl!! We are all so so excited!!

So much on this mom brain lately! I'm realizing how quickly my due date is approaching and how much more on top of things I was with Lane than I am now. Haha I need to finish the nursery, start thinking about my hospital bag, start getting all the "supplies" for post pregnancy! This is what I fear the most not birth! I'm excited for birth it's the after math of my body that I dread.... I'm trying not to think about it, because it's all coming back to me annnnd I'm a bit terrified lol good thing babies are so worth it!! I also am trying to get my post baby wardrobe sorted out! Nursing friendly, comfy but not frumpy.... you know all those important things! Haha sleeping has become even more of an issue I can't get comfortable and I cannot shut this mom brain off!! Things at the Smith house are great I am slowly but surely getting everything ready and prepared for the babe and enjoying and cherishing Lane and mine one on one time while we still have it!! I hope your all having a fantastic week!! Xoxo 😘